IGN YouTube Community Tab

At my current role at IGN, it’s important that I stay informed on every new product and feature released on YouTube. So when we were given access to the Community Tab (YouTube’s in-channel social feed) in 2018, my goal was to use this feature as an engagement tool, but more importantly, a promotional tool and increase viewership across IGN original content on YouTube.

Using a combination of engagingly succinct copywriting, eye-catchy imagery, and data-tracking, I developed and implemented a Community Tab programming strategy to increase external traffic for original IGN video content via the Community Tab by 45% from 2018 to 2021.

Below are some examples of high-performing Community Tab posts for which I ideated, wrote copy, and programmed.

Click on a thumbnail to open the post in a new window/tab.


IGN YouTube Syndication


IGN Charity Livestreams